'Structural Inequality and the Protectorate of Discrimination Law', Politics, Philosophy and Economics, October 2024. Online Open Access.
'A Perfectionist Political Position?', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 1–8, November 2024. Online Open Access.
‘Being Free, Feeling Free. Race, Gender and Republican Domination', Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, Volume 98, Issue 1, July 2024, Pages 27–46.
‘Legal Toleration and Rights to Do Wrong’, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 8, December 2021, 161-189.
‘On the Parity between Secular and Religious Reasons’, Social Theory and Practice. Vol. 47, No. 3 (July 2021): 575–587.
‘Minimal Secularism. Lessons for, and from, India’, American Political Science Review, Volume 115, Issue 1, February 2021, pp. 1-13.
‘Reply to Quong, Patten, Miller and Waldron’, Criminal Law and Philosophy, September 2020. Open Access.
‘Cosmopolitan Patriotism as Civic Ideal’ (with Lior Erez), American Journal of Political Science, Volume 64, Issue 1, January 2020, pp. 191-203.
‘Can Religious Establishment be Liberal Enough?’, Studies in Christian Ethics, January 2020.
‘Rescuing Liberalism from Critical Religion’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume 88, Issue 1, March 2020, pp. 58–73.
‘Disagreement, Equal Respect and the Boundaries of Liberalism’, Review of Politics, Online 11 September 2019, pp. 665-671.
‘Liberalism's Religion: Reply to Critics’, Secular Studies, 2019, Vol.1 (1), pp.153-160.
‘Liberalism's Religion: Reply to Bejan, Sullivan, Fish and Devji’, Syndicate Network, October 2019.
‘Intelligibility, Injustice and Moral Loss’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Online View, 09 January 2019.
‘Comment peut-on être laïque?’, Esprit, 2018/9, n°447, pp. 108-118.
‘Three Cheers for Liberal Modesty’, Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy, Special Issue: Liberalism's Religion: Cécile Laborde and her Critics. 02 January 2020, Vol.23(1), pp.119-135. Reprinted in Routledge volume.
‘Abortion, Marriage and Cognate Problems’, American Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 2018, pp. 33–48.
‘Religious Freedom, US Law, and Liberal Political Theory’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, February 2018.
Volume 86, Issue 1, 5 March 2018, Pages 241–243.
‘The Evanescence of Neutrality’, Political Theory, May 2017. Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 99-105.
‘Républicanisme critique et religion’, Mouvements, 21 February 2017, Vol. 89(1), pp. 2-6.
‘Religion and the Law: the Disaggregation Approach’, Law and Philosophy, November 2015, Volume 34, Issue 6, pp. 581-600. Reprinted in Leora Batnitzky & Hanoch Dagan (eds.), Institutionalizing Rights and Religion: Competing Supremacies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
'What is a Free State? Republican Internationalism and Globalisation' (with Miriam Ronzoni), Political Studies, Online Early View, 12 February 2015
'Dworkin's Religious Freedom without God', Boston University Law Review, 94(4), July 2014, 1255-1271.
‘Three Theses about Political Theology. Some Comments on Seyla Benhabib’s ”Return of Political Theology”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 17: 6, 2014, 689-696.
‘Why Tolerate Conscience?’ (with François Boucher), Criminal Law and Philosophy, November 2014, 1-21.
‘Equal Liberty, Non-Establishment and Religious Freedom’, Legal Theory, Volume 20 / Issue 01 / March 2014, 52-77.
Reprinted in Ferran Requejo and Camil Ungureanu, Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in Europe. Secularism and Post-Secularism. London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 21-45.
‘Political Liberalism and Religion: On Separation and Establishment’, Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2013, pp. 67-86 (Online View, 24 July 2011). Reprinted in Alan Carling (ed.) The Social Equality of Religion or Belief. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015
‘State Paternalism and Religious Dress’, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2012, Vol. 10, No 2, 398-410.
Reprinted in Dina Kiwan (ed.) Naturalization Policies, Education and Citizenship: Multicultural and Multi-Nation Societies in International Perspective. Ed. by. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2013, 50-66.
‘Rights, Wrongs, and the Right to Do Wrong. Jytte Klausen and the Political Theory of the Danish Cartoon Controversy’, Perspectives on Politics, Summer 2011.
‘What’s New, and What’s Different? On the Republican Contribution to Political Theory’, Transnational Legal Theory, 2011.
‘Republicanism and Global Justice: a Sketch’, European Journal of Political Theory, January 2010, Vol. 9, No. 1, 48-69. Reprinted in Republican Democracy: Liberty, Law and Politics. Ed. by Andreas Niederberger & Philipp Schink. Edinbugh, Edinburgh University Press, 2013, 276-301.
‘Républicanisme critique, républicanisme conservateur : repenser les « accommodements raisonnables »’, Critique Internationale, September 2009, 19-33.
‘Female Autonomy, Education and the Hijab', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2006, 351-377. Best CRISPP Essay Prize 2006.
‘Secular Philosophy and Muslim Headscarves in Schools’, Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 13, No. 3, 2005, pp. 305-329. Italian translation : ‘Velo islamico e stato laico. Un argomento secolarista a favore dell'abolizione dei simboli religiosi nelle scuole', Notizie di Politeia XXIII (87), 2007, 55-70.
'From Constitutional to Civic Patriotism', British Journal of Political Science Volume 32, October 2002, 591-612.
‘The Reception of Rawls in Europe’, October 2002, European Journal of Political Theory Introduction to C Laborde (ed.) Rawls in Europe, 133-146.
‘On Republican Toleration’, Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory Volume 9, July 2002, 167-183.
The Culture(s) of the Republic. Nationalism and Multiculturalism in French Republican Thought’, Political Theory, Vol. 29, No 5, October 2001, 708-727.
‘The Concept of the State in British and French Political Thought', Political Studies, Vol. 48, 2000, 540-557.
'Syndicalism against the State. Libertarianism in the Thought of Edouard Berth and his Contemporaries', special issue of The European Legacy on Sorel, Summer 1998, 66-85.
Pluralism, Syndicalism and Corporatism. Léon Duguit and the Crisis of the State', History of European Ideas 1996, Vol. 22, No. 3, 227-244.
'A Perfectionist Political Position?', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 1–8, November 2024. Online Open Access.
‘Being Free, Feeling Free. Race, Gender and Republican Domination', Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, Volume 98, Issue 1, July 2024, Pages 27–46.
‘Legal Toleration and Rights to Do Wrong’, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 8, December 2021, 161-189.
‘On the Parity between Secular and Religious Reasons’, Social Theory and Practice. Vol. 47, No. 3 (July 2021): 575–587.
‘Minimal Secularism. Lessons for, and from, India’, American Political Science Review, Volume 115, Issue 1, February 2021, pp. 1-13.
‘Reply to Quong, Patten, Miller and Waldron’, Criminal Law and Philosophy, September 2020. Open Access.
‘Cosmopolitan Patriotism as Civic Ideal’ (with Lior Erez), American Journal of Political Science, Volume 64, Issue 1, January 2020, pp. 191-203.
‘Can Religious Establishment be Liberal Enough?’, Studies in Christian Ethics, January 2020.
‘Rescuing Liberalism from Critical Religion’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume 88, Issue 1, March 2020, pp. 58–73.
‘Disagreement, Equal Respect and the Boundaries of Liberalism’, Review of Politics, Online 11 September 2019, pp. 665-671.
‘Liberalism's Religion: Reply to Critics’, Secular Studies, 2019, Vol.1 (1), pp.153-160.
‘Liberalism's Religion: Reply to Bejan, Sullivan, Fish and Devji’, Syndicate Network, October 2019.
‘Intelligibility, Injustice and Moral Loss’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Online View, 09 January 2019.
‘Comment peut-on être laïque?’, Esprit, 2018/9, n°447, pp. 108-118.
‘Three Cheers for Liberal Modesty’, Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy, Special Issue: Liberalism's Religion: Cécile Laborde and her Critics. 02 January 2020, Vol.23(1), pp.119-135. Reprinted in Routledge volume.
‘Abortion, Marriage and Cognate Problems’, American Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 2018, pp. 33–48.
‘Religious Freedom, US Law, and Liberal Political Theory’, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, February 2018.
Volume 86, Issue 1, 5 March 2018, Pages 241–243.
‘The Evanescence of Neutrality’, Political Theory, May 2017. Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 99-105.
‘Républicanisme critique et religion’, Mouvements, 21 February 2017, Vol. 89(1), pp. 2-6.
‘Religion and the Law: the Disaggregation Approach’, Law and Philosophy, November 2015, Volume 34, Issue 6, pp. 581-600. Reprinted in Leora Batnitzky & Hanoch Dagan (eds.), Institutionalizing Rights and Religion: Competing Supremacies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
'What is a Free State? Republican Internationalism and Globalisation' (with Miriam Ronzoni), Political Studies, Online Early View, 12 February 2015
'Dworkin's Religious Freedom without God', Boston University Law Review, 94(4), July 2014, 1255-1271.
‘Three Theses about Political Theology. Some Comments on Seyla Benhabib’s ”Return of Political Theology”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 17: 6, 2014, 689-696.
‘Why Tolerate Conscience?’ (with François Boucher), Criminal Law and Philosophy, November 2014, 1-21.
‘Equal Liberty, Non-Establishment and Religious Freedom’, Legal Theory, Volume 20 / Issue 01 / March 2014, 52-77.
Reprinted in Ferran Requejo and Camil Ungureanu, Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in Europe. Secularism and Post-Secularism. London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 21-45.
‘Political Liberalism and Religion: On Separation and Establishment’, Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2013, pp. 67-86 (Online View, 24 July 2011). Reprinted in Alan Carling (ed.) The Social Equality of Religion or Belief. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015
‘State Paternalism and Religious Dress’, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2012, Vol. 10, No 2, 398-410.
Reprinted in Dina Kiwan (ed.) Naturalization Policies, Education and Citizenship: Multicultural and Multi-Nation Societies in International Perspective. Ed. by. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2013, 50-66.
‘Rights, Wrongs, and the Right to Do Wrong. Jytte Klausen and the Political Theory of the Danish Cartoon Controversy’, Perspectives on Politics, Summer 2011.
‘What’s New, and What’s Different? On the Republican Contribution to Political Theory’, Transnational Legal Theory, 2011.
‘Republicanism and Global Justice: a Sketch’, European Journal of Political Theory, January 2010, Vol. 9, No. 1, 48-69. Reprinted in Republican Democracy: Liberty, Law and Politics. Ed. by Andreas Niederberger & Philipp Schink. Edinbugh, Edinburgh University Press, 2013, 276-301.
‘Républicanisme critique, républicanisme conservateur : repenser les « accommodements raisonnables »’, Critique Internationale, September 2009, 19-33.
‘Female Autonomy, Education and the Hijab', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2006, 351-377. Best CRISPP Essay Prize 2006.
‘Secular Philosophy and Muslim Headscarves in Schools’, Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 13, No. 3, 2005, pp. 305-329. Italian translation : ‘Velo islamico e stato laico. Un argomento secolarista a favore dell'abolizione dei simboli religiosi nelle scuole', Notizie di Politeia XXIII (87), 2007, 55-70.
'From Constitutional to Civic Patriotism', British Journal of Political Science Volume 32, October 2002, 591-612.
‘The Reception of Rawls in Europe’, October 2002, European Journal of Political Theory Introduction to C Laborde (ed.) Rawls in Europe, 133-146.
‘On Republican Toleration’, Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory Volume 9, July 2002, 167-183.
The Culture(s) of the Republic. Nationalism and Multiculturalism in French Republican Thought’, Political Theory, Vol. 29, No 5, October 2001, 708-727.
‘The Concept of the State in British and French Political Thought', Political Studies, Vol. 48, 2000, 540-557.
'Syndicalism against the State. Libertarianism in the Thought of Edouard Berth and his Contemporaries', special issue of The European Legacy on Sorel, Summer 1998, 66-85.
Pluralism, Syndicalism and Corporatism. Léon Duguit and the Crisis of the State', History of European Ideas 1996, Vol. 22, No. 3, 227-244.